Saturday, May 17, 2008

Oh, to the Rangers

‘La La, Take me out to the ball game… You know how it goes. Friday night we deiced that it was time to check out the ball field to see how the Charlotte Knights were doing. At this time I’m feeling a little home sick. Wishing I was at the Rangers game in Dallas with my friends.
The Charlotte Knights are an AAA team in Fort Mill SC. The address is on Deerfield. Trying hard not to think this town is Red Neck. Also trying hard to remember this are NOT the Rangers playing, but college boys working there way up to the major league.
We get there; find a great place to park (this can’t be good). Head in to pay $7.00 a person, not bad, go all the way up to the top to find a seat. Again, great seats for the top. (Worried again) Adron loves to watch baseball. The kids as so much energy I can hardly keep up with him. At a baseball game he will sit and study the players it is unbelievable that he can sit that still. As I sit there I’m missing the smell of garlic fries. (Right Candice). No Rangers hats, blankets, and helmets to put our fries in. No we are watching these boys loose BIG TIME! Every other pitch the batter hits a foul ball into the crowd. So we were trying to keep the boys from getting hit. It’s cold, and I think we are still in Dallas, needed to wear our shorts and t-shirts. Luckily we had a hat for Houston and a blanket. Adron was fine with his Rangers shirt on. We only stayed for 3 innings maybe. It was kind of depressing to watch, thinking the whole time we could put Adron in there and he would have least hit the ball. Next time, yes we will give it a try again, we will get the $12 seat so Adron could, for the first time in his life, sit so he can see the baseball players sweat. You know it was poring down because they were loosing.
No I’m not bitter, just really missing my home in Dallas. Trying really hard to find my place in Charlotte. Or you could call me a baseball snob.

A really nice man took our picture. Adron was really scared of their mascot.


Rachel said...

Oh, Macey. Hang in there, girl!

We announced our plans to the church today. Then I came home and read this. I will be right there "with" you before too long...only I'm sure you will be feeling much better about things by then!

You guys are so special to us. You remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Amy said...

I never imagined that anyone would miss the Rangers, but I can understand how in those particular circumstances, you probably would!! If/when we ever move from Texas, I will miss it terribly (even though I claimed 7 years ago that I would NEVER like it here!! haha)