Hear we go, The Tillotson family likes to spend time together in the car. This way we can talk, scream, laugh, cry, and sleep. We can't get on the computer, phone or watch tv. It's wonderful family time. Now, our trip to the beach was only a weekend trip. We left on Thursday night when Nathan got off work. While packing the car, lets say it was 5:50 I think, Nathan wants to know if super was ready? WHAT??? We are going on Va-CA are you kidding? Sure let me just get right on that. HELLO the beach!! There is no time for food. In the car we go. So, the trip that we thought should take about 2 1/2 hours or so, give or take with the baby. It took 4sh hours. We stopped 3 or 4 times food, gas, bathroom ect. We made it to the beach after lots of crying, screaming, and whining. The kids are now asleep and we thought as wonderful parents we are, we could take them up 3 sets of stairs and they would keep sleeping? NO WAY!! They had a fun little nap. It's 10:30 in the evening it's time to party and snack time... Adron doesn't need much sleep, so he thinks, so he is thinking it's time to go swimming. NO! Snack time, then bed.
Friday, what a beautiful day. Up for the sun to rise, that is how Adron rolls. 6:30ish in the morning. I starte cooking breakfast. We brought our own food, so we wouldn't spend much $, you know this is a Va-Ca, not for mom. Mom starts out with Coffee.. with all the juice. Eat breakfast, clean up, pack up and here we go.
Things you need that we didn't have when going to the beach.
Beach Blanket: This is so the sand doesn't get all over the towel. With kids they like to eat the sand.
Umbrella: This is for the children as well, stay safe from the sun rays.
Beach Bag: I forgot mine at home. This for looking cool.
Cooler: To keep brinks, baby food, formula cold
Sun glasses: This is for Nathan so he doesn't look silly in the girly ones with the cz on the side.
Buff and Tan body: This helps you feel better in your swim suit.
Ok you get the picture.
Our trip to the beach was short because we need those things to keep us safe, and happy.
It worked out ok, we were out there for 3 hours or so, need to get the kids lunch (because we are not spending any money) and take a nap. Really the nap was for M & D, way to tired from all the fun times in the car, and getting up at the crack of dawn.
Later that afternoon we went to the surf shop to find a few gifts that we need for other people. (Nothing for us.. boooo) and out to the beach again for photo time.
I had put the kids in there outfits that were matching to share with our blogger friends how cute our kids are. Wouldn't you know it, as soon as I put the kids down in the sand, what would we do, but look at the sand. No one would look up at me. I even had my white shirt on but no family picture happen.
Time to eat again, clean up bed time. Not sure what time we went to bed. Nathan started a movie thinking that Adron would fall asleep to it.. but, if any of you know Adron, you know he doesn't fall asleep to a "show". Plus he hadn't watched any tv, his world was ending... he kept those eyes open for a long time.
Saturday morning. Our beach time had ended.... BOOOO!!! We all wanted to stay another day. We had breakfast, and it was out to the beach one more time. This time it was early and we ran into every old man we could find. They loved talking to Hosuton and watching Adron play in the water. Nathan gets excited, thinking he sees a shark?? I'm thinking it's a little to round fin pocking out of the water. It was fun to tell Adron it was a shark. No, it was really a dolphin, but really cool to see.
After more than an hour, this was going to be a fast walk. We needed to get back and clean up.
We had to hurry because our 2 1/2 long hour drive would take us 4 hours. We had a dinner to get back to at 5 in Charlotte.
We had the best time and I'm looking forward to many more time at the beach, maybe next time we can go out to eat...