Sunday, March 02, 2008

Easter pictures

Today both of the boys had fevers, so we couldn't go to church. I was so disapointed in this because every first Sunday of the month is TWW, Together We Worship. The service is devoted to kids. Nathan leads kid friendly songs, plus the kids get to go up front to hear the Bible story. It feels good to have the family together like that.

Every Sunday I take Adron to get donuts. So we left at 7:30ish to the donut shop. We spent the morning cleaning and working on Adron's trains. Now, Adron feels fine he just had a low grade fever so I still have to work really hard to keep him entertained and keep him moving so he will go to sleep tonight. Houston on the other hand is my sleeper, so most of the day today he has slept, ate, took some Motrin, and back to sleep again.

I was able to keep Houston up long enough before it started raining on us to take some picutres. Adron is so silly. I was telling him to put his face by Houston's face and this is what I got.

I did however, get some good pictures for our Easter cards.

Happy Sunday, that is what our donut lady says to us every Sunday.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'm not sure which is worse - having two kids sick at the same time, or one after another... I'm so sorry! It looks like they recovered quickly.

You are so on the ball to be working on Easter pictures already. I'm being induced on Monday if this baby doesn't come on his own by then. I'll have less than two weeks at that point to get our Easter pictures in - we'll see if it happens!