We have had a full weekend of Thankfulness. Wednesday night we went to the Thanksgiving eve service. It's always interesting taking the boys to church when they have to watch there dad on the stage and they can't go up there with him. I bring lots of snacks, books, toys, and still Houston doesn't understand why he needs to sit there. Adron does really good, he thinks it's fun to watch his dad and look at his books. Warn out from them, it was home because he had passed there bed time and we needed to get early in the morning.
Thanksgiving day we went to the Turkey Trot 8K and Tot Trot. Adron thinks he won the race and also thinks that I won the 8K, don't want to break the boys heart so I didn't say anything different. It was nice to have them there when I started the race and at the end when I was going up the last hill and really wanted to start walking. My time was great, I was really proud of my training that I had done to make it that far. Still training for the 1/2 marathon, and would like to do a 10k in January sometime. Then it was off to our place to shower up and head over to our friends house for lunch. Because it was Thanksgiving there wasn't much of a spread of food at the race and I was starting to get really hungry. We start with the kid’s plates and I took a few bits of theirs to hold me over. Ummmmm the food was so good, and I must say my green beans were really tasty. There were lots of teenage girls there to help with the kiddos, so I got to eat everything on my plate. Houston had fun running around in circles; Adron had fun playing games with the girls. By 4:30 we all were ready for naptime, so it was time to go home. By the time we got home, Nathan asked what was for supper?? So I started cooking again... but ugg the thought of food was about to make me sick. I was really ready to go to bed!
Friday, 4a.m. I was up and out the door to go shopping. In Dallas, I would shop the sales the days after and could get right in and out. Not so in the Carolina's, there were lines out the doors, 2 Wal-Mart’s, 2 Targets, tried Toy's R us, and Kohl’s I had just about got everything on my list. In the evening we went for a sleigh ride with Peppermint the Pony. Fun, FREE, family fun night with the kids. The boys had a great time and thought that it was cool riding around the shopping mall.
Saturday, meet friends for coffee, then to a party, then short evening because it was time for bed again.
Sunday, Nathan leaves for church at 6:30 in the morning so it's just me getting the family ready for church. Most ministers’ wives are saying SO, we do this all the time, but it's hard when you live in an apartment on the 2nd floor when it's raining. While I try to take a shower, Houston is in the toilet throwing things in there, Thomas the train, things from the trash ect. I have soap in my hair when Adron comes in to go pee and while he is peeing he tells me there are things in toilet. THANKS! Boys ready, check, I'm somewhat ready, check, and Adron heads out the door and Houston is not far behind. I get everyone back in, looking at my watch and you know I'm out of time. Get my coffee and it's out the door again, to find out that it's raining really really hard. Back into the door for rain coats, back out to carry the boys down the stairs, in my heals, out to the car to buckle them in... (sigh) take a deep breath, thinking "why did I want to wear a dress today" or "should we even go" we made it. Kids back out of the car, had to park far away, to find Adron jumping in puddles, and Houston will not keep his head covered. Don't know what happen at church, all I could think about it how we are going to move this week and next and Nathan has a big Christmas program going on next weekend. Deep breath again, tonight should be fun we are going bowling with out life group tonight then pizza. Or in Adron's word "rolling pins with Mr. Jim and Tara". Oh, "pizza shop" too.
Happy Holiday's everyone.. Tis the season